Sunday, May 12, 2013

Housework, Homework, and How I Learned the Difference ♥

Early Mother's Day Morning 2013. 
Two cards awaiting me at the coffee pot.


After a few downed mugs and some quiet time with was time for.....Housework.......or so I thought.
I started up the laundry.
I washed up the dishes.
I made up the least of those who had awaken & arose.
Tween daughter remained in slumber.....that is, until I received a ringing Facetime.......requesting I bring her breakfast in bed. "Just peanut butter toast Mom, oh, and some milk."  As I popped in two slices of bread, and reached for a plate and a glass........I STOPPED.
What is wrong with me?  Why in the world am I doing all this housework AND serving my preteen princess on what is supposed to be MY special day?? And Why oh WHY, am I ....................................................................................HAPPY about it????  (Lord knows there were plenty, and I mean PLENTY of years where the feeling would have leaned heavily on the side of resentment......nowhere NEAR the vicinity of Happiness.) 

Then right there, in the middle of a kitchen, standing on a rug that was yet to be vacuumed....God told me why.

"Tera, what you do in this place has nothing to do with housework and everything to do with homework.  The sheets you wash, the silverware you clean, the toilets you scrub, and the food you prepare have NOTHING to do with your house, ........and EVERYTHING to do with your home.  You are happy because; although you like your house, you LOVE your home. And you know, that when you are serving are serving ME."

Could He be Right?
 He proceeded to lead me to these two verses ~

 Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God’s various gifts of grace. Anyone who speaks should speak words from God. Anyone who serves should serve with the strength God gives so that in everything God will be praised through Jesus Christ. ~1 Peter 4:10-11

And then I read them again.......this way.......and listened as He spoke to me.....

Tera, you has received a gift to use to serve others (Motherhood). Be a good servant of my various gifts of grace (Thomas, Abby, and Jack Henry). When you speak, I want you to speak with the words I give you (Words of Kindness and Encouragement). And when you serve (and cook and clean and drive the carpool), you should serve with the strength I give you,  so that in everything, (every dish washed, floor swept , meal made- EVERYTHING) I will be praised. ~ 1 Peter 4:10-11

He was right. (Note: He always is, so no use arguing).
I serve my home because I love my home. 
Because I know it is a gift. 
Because I know that THEY are a gift.
Because I know that when I serve THEM, I serve HIM.
and above all else, Because I know that the love I have for THEM is a result of a love He has for ME

We love because He first loved us ~ 1 John 4:19

 In other words,

I love (my husband, my children, my parents, my friends, my HOME) because GOD. LOVES. ME.      ~ 1 John 4:19

And He loves YOU. 

And it's why homework makes THIS mama.......a happy mama.

Happy Mother's Day Sweet Friends. ♥
Love & Hugs,

~~~~ As for me and my HOME, we will serve the Lord.
                                       Joshua 24:15 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! Appreciated the perspective! God's been speaking a similar message to me...perhaps next Mother's Day I'll be even more happy about those things that have caused resentment for me as well! Thanks again! Hope you enjoyed your special day!!
